Sunday 11 August 2013

The Art of the Vocal

The oldest and the most perfect instrument that a human kind has ever known for is - the human voice.
Composers have written music for vocals since ever and, in the renaissance period, vocal music was very preserved.
But in 1597, on the very beginning of the next era - baroque, the very first opera was composed. It was called "Dafne" at it was composed by Jacopo Peri on the libretto which was written by Ottavio Rinuccini.
Baroque era was marked by the beginning, development and a huge success of the, then new, vocal-instrumental genre - opera, which later, in classicism, romanticism and up until today has been the most popular music genre ever.
Opera has all the elements - singing, playing instruments, dancing, acting, even talking at some points. And believe me, it takes years for the whole assemble to practice and cultivate one piece like that.
I've always liked opera singing. When I was in 4th grade of music school, my choir took a part in the 2nd act of opera "La Boheme" which was performed at Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad. After that 2nd act would had finished, we would have used the 15 minute pause to change our clothes and take the seats in front rows and have watched the whole opera till the end. I loved listening to the vocals and that's when I've realized that I want to sing like that as well.
I participated the entering exam for elementary opera singing department, passed it and next school year, began with the classes.
Ever since I've started with opera singing, my voice has observably developed, my tone range has expanded and the color of my voice has become clearer.
This year I've finished the elementary opera singing school and in September I'm continuing the high opera singing school and I just can't wait. So many beautiful songs to sing and competitions and manifestations to attend. This is going to be the ride of my lifetime and something that I have always wanted!

The following video is my performance at a school concert in May. This is the hardest aria I've sung up till now. I was practicing it since September and, well, this is the fruit of my hard work and practice I've put into it. You can hear it if you want to.

I imagine myself somewhere in Vienna, Italy, France or Russia, singing arias in huge concert halls and getting lots of ovations. I really hope that my dream will come true and I will give the best of me for that to happen!

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